Cookies Policy

Below is information about how IBA Group a.s. and its affiliates (“we”) use cookies and other similar technology on this website.


This Cookies Policy is effective as of 29.04.2023. Please note that this privacy statement will be updated from time to time.


Terms and Definitions

For the purposes of this policy

  1. You – a person who uses the Website in any way.
  2. Cookies – small text files placed on your device when you visit a site to store data to help websites to remember some of your actions.
  3. We, Administration – IBA Group, a.s. with its registered office at 2583/13 Petrzilkova St., Prague 5, 158 00, Czech Republic
  4. Content – information, design elements, interactive elements, in other words, what you can see and what you can interact with on our site.
  5. Website – site which is accessed through the


Cookies statement

This policy applies to personal data. The User’s Personal Information will be processed in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

Information obtained indirectly from the organization’s web resources may include information about the browser and device, data collected in the process of automatic electronic communication, data on the use of applications; demographic, geographic and geolocation data; statistical and aggregated information (hereinafter – “Other Information”).  Statistical or aggregated information is not related to a specific person, but can be obtained from personal data. If Other Information is combined with personal data, it shall be processed according to the same rules as personal data.


Processing of tracking data and cookies

Why do we use cookies and similar technologies?

The organization uses “cookies” (text files placed on the computer to analyze how the organization’s web resources are used) and similar technologies (e.g. web beacons, ad tags and device identifiers) to recognize users or the user’s device, in order to improve the quality of the organization’s web offerings, website functionality, marketing and analytics.

The use of cookies is standard on the internet. Although most web browsers automatically accept cookies, it is up to the user to decide whether or not to accept them. The user can configure their browser settings to refuse to accept cookies or to notify them when they are sent. The user can refuse the use of cookies by using the appropriate settings on their browser.


Cookies are used for several purposes

  1. Functionality. Cookies allow you to track the use of certain functions and categories of the Content. Thereafter, this allows us to concentrate on what is the most important for you, to make the functions and elements of the Content more accessible and easier to navigate.
  2. Analytics. We use cookies to analyze trends and understand how our Website performs and what doesn’t work well. This helps us to provide the best and most relevant Content.
  3. Communications. We use third-party cookies to quickly communicate with you if needed.


Cookies collected through the Website interface

Analytical Cookies

The organization can use analytical cookies. Third-party analytics are used for this, including Google Analytics, Google Optimize, DoubleClick (further – Third-party analysts). Third-party analysts use cookies on the organization’s websites. Third-party analysts may store data on servers and transmit cookies about users’ behaviour on the organization’s websites. Third-party analysts use this information on behalf of the organization to assess website usage, report on website activity and provide access to web resources related to website activity.

The following Google Analytics cookies are used:

_ga (also known as _rollupGa). A cookie is used to collect information and statistics on the use of the website. Retention period: 2 years.

_gid (also known as _rollupGa_gid). The file allows you to distinguish between users. Retention period: 24 hours.

_gat. The cookie makes it possible to limit the frequency of requests. Retention period: 1 minute.

_gac_. This cookie contains company information for the user. AdWords conversion tags placed on the website receive data from a cookie in an anonymous form. Retention period: 90 days.

_dc_gtm_. This cookie is used to make an anonymous request. Retention period: 1 minute.

The following Google Optimize cookies are used to determine user participation in tests (e.g. an A/B test on the colours of buttons preferred by users, to improve UX interface design), as well as completing a test with the user.

__utmx. Retention period: 18 months.

__utmxx. Retention period: 18 months.

_gaexp. Retention period: 90 days.

The following DoubleClick cookies are used:

IDE and DSIS. This cookie allows you to use features of Google Analytics that are not available in the standard version. Among the advertising features: remarketing with Google Analytics, reports on impressions in Google’s contextual media network, and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting services, which require data collection for advertising purposes (including the collection of data through advertising cookies and identifiers). Cookie retention period: 2 years.

The collection and use of data (cookies and IP address) can be disabled by the plug-in  (see  – Google Analytics terms of use and privacy).

In addition to Google Analytics, Google Optimize and DoubleClick, “gtag.anonymizeIp ();” can be used to enable anonymous IP collection (so-called IP masking). The user can prevent Google Analytics, Google Optimize and DoubleClick from collecting such data on behalf of the organization by clicking on the following link:

Communications Cookies

These cookies are used to show you more relevant ads. They also perform functions like preventing the same ad from continuously reappearing, ensuring that ads are properly displayed, and in some cases selecting advertisements that are based on your interests.

The following Google cookies are used: APISIDNID, SID, 1P_JAR, AID. These cookies are used by Google to display personalized advertisements on Google sites, based on recent searches and previous interactions.

The following Facebook cookies are used: m_pixel_ratiopl, presence, sb, datr. Cookies are used by Facebook to run advertising campaigns in the social network Facebook. You can find out how to block cookies used by Facebook using this link.

The following LinkedIn cookies are used: JSESSIONID, lidc, bcookie, bscookie, visit. Cookies are used by LinkedIn to run advertising campaigns in the social network LinkedIn. LinkedIn members can change settings here. The controls for Visitors can be found here.


How to manage your Cookies settings

You can adjust your cookie settings through our cookie consent manager. If you want to remove existing cookies from your device, you can do this using your browser options (more details in section “Cookies disclaimer”). If you want to block future cookies being placed on your device you can use our cookie consent manager.

Please bear in mind that deleting and blocking cookies may have an impact on your user experience.


Cookies disclaimer

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but also provide controls that allow you to block or delete them.

It is also possible to manage browser settings to allow certain Cookies or notify you when you’ve received a new Cookie so you can decide whether accept it or not. There are different resources to set up rules for the Cookies. Please also check your browser’s help menu for more information.

Here are links to the Cookies documentation of popular browsers: Microsoft Internet ExplorerGoogle ChromeSafariSafari (mobile)FirefoxAndroid BrowserOperaOpera (mobile).

If you want to manage the settings of other browsers, please refer to your browser’s documentation.

You can also restrict or delete objects similar to Cookies, for example, flash cookies, by managing the settings of your browser. Because our Cookies allow you to access some of the features of our Website, we recommend you to keep them. Without certain cookies, some functionality of our Service may be restricted.

If you have any questions now or during your visit, please submit your request through our Contact Us form.


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