The IBA CSR program says that in its daily operations the company is guided by the principles of ethical behavior, transparency, respect for the rule of law and international norms, and respect for human rights.


IBA Group became a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact in 2018. Joining this important initiative, we pledged our commitment to the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and its Ten Principles. In this Report, we show what we did in 2023 to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


  • Free medical care at the corporate medical aid station and periodic health examination
  • Discounted recreation/fitness center membership
  • Discounted treatment and boarding at recreation institutions
  • Discounted voluntary health insurance
  • Free vaccination against flu
  • Social allowances to mark person’s important events (marriage, child birth, maternity leave or death of close relatives).
  • Discounted summer camp vouchers for the IBA employees’ children
  • Sports (sport circles, in–company, city and country championships)
  • Tourism (walking tours, camping trips, tourist festivals and excursions)
  • Corporate celebrations (company anniversaries and employee birthdays)
  • Interest-free loans
  • Business cars.

IBA Group is dedicated to developing, rewarding, and promoting top talent. In addition to salaries, bonuses, and trainings at leading IT companies, IBA has an electronic Honor Board and publicizes clients’ letters of thanks to individual employees in its intranet. Being a company of varying age groups, IBA conducted a restructuring that resulted in the appointment of more young talented people to leading positions.

Through the bulletin board, IBA employees raised money for children who needed to go abroad for operations, collected signatures to protest against the killing of homeless dogs and cats by local authorities, and found families for abandoned puppies and kittens.

IT Education

Participants: Charles University (Prague), Czech technical University (Prague), Prague University of Economics, Masaryk University (Brno), University of Western Bohemia (Pilsen).

IBA CZ cooperates with the following universities:

  1. Charles University in Prague
  2. Czech Technical University in Prague (Faculty of Electrical Engineering)
  3. Prague University of Economics (Faculty of Informatics and Statistics)
  4. Masaryk University (Faculty of Informatics)
    University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Faculty of Applied Sciences)

Areas of Cooperation

  1. Organization of internships for students and graduates
  2. Participation in global learning environment
  3. Organization of presentations and workshops for students, and participation in job fairs and career days
  4. Training in software engineering
  5. Supervision and tutoring of bachelor, master, and dissertation theses, and provision of reviews and critiques
  6. Participation in technical lectures, including those related to the most up-to-date software development technologies.

Community Relations

IBA Group strives to contribute to the sustainable development of the communities in which it operates, improving the quality and well–being of these communities. This provides a source of pride in the company for our employees and a focus for their involvement in community life.

Green IT

Green IT is of high importance to IBA. The IBA development centers are located in the countries that are not rich in natural resources and therefore we strive to use electric power and other resources efficiently.

The IBA Green IT CSR section includes the following activities:

  1. Acquire only the equipment that we really need
  2. Limit the use of paper (workflow automation and common printers for several floors)
  3. Use power management tools for monitors and hard discs
  4. Use efficiently the existing equipment
  5. Replace outdated equipment with new and more effective on schedule
  6. Introduce new generation technologies.