Mainframe DevOps best practices

Mainframe DevOps best practices: drive agile innovations with tools from the distributed world

IBM mainframe modernization remains a critical element for digital transformation and innovation in the post COVID19 era. Today’s mainframes run mission-critical workloads and are heavily integrated with applications across various distributed platforms.

To remain competitive and deliver value for their customers, mainframe-powered organizations need to increase the speed of delivery and speedup cultural changes, transforming their processes and practices, introducing new roles, tools and techniques.

Mainframe teams stay overwhelmed with keeping the critical business running and not allocating time to modernization and innovation. Adopting new agile principles and DevOps practices from the distributed world helps them drive transformation and attract new talent into the mainframe world.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Best practices and approaches to DevOps implementation in large organizations;
  • Why DevOps still remain a new concept for mainframe teams?
  • Architecture and tools for transformative solutions;
  • Things to factor when selecting tools for DevOps;
  • DevOps — modern technologies and legacy systems. Integration with APIs and plug-ins;
  • DevOps constructor concept;
  • Cultural change management for DevOps and Agile.


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