IBA Launches New Software for Legal Entities

June 7, 2010 

In June 2010, IBA has launched ED Connector, a new software product designed to automate the process of completing an electronic tax statement by legal entities.

ED Connector is simple in use. Once the accounting software of the company is tuned to the use of ED Connector components, the IBA software will automatically create any of 48 electronic tax declarations of the system “Electronic declaration” and then send it to the taxation body.

ED Connector Features:

  • Receipt of the tax declarations data from any accounting software that it tuned up to interact with ED Connector
  • Processing the data for calculation of taxes and duties
  • Data verification for completeness and correctness
  • Creation of XML files that contain tax declarations for each tax and duty of the Electronic Declaration system
  • Saving XML files in the file system of the user’s computer for subsequent dispatch to the taxation body

ED Connector Advantages:

  • Automation of the tax filing process
  • Easy updates in case the rules of calculating taxes and duties change
  • Time saving.

Vitali Nikulenka, IBA Deputy Director of Software Development, comments: “ED Connector offered by IBA since June 2010 is a unique product. The software allows for creating and sending tax declarations to the appropriate authorities in proper time and in the most comfortable way.”