Advancing NLP in Healthcare


Since 2019, IBA Group has been partnering with Klarrio, a company that designs cloud native, cloud agnostic solutions for data analysis and processing, to develop and upgrade Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools for analyzing patient records and medical research documents. The project demanded a diverse range of technical and creative problem-solving skills to address complex challenges effectively.

Tasks / Challenges

  1. Upgrade existing NLP models that use IBM Content Analytics Studio to process new types of medical documents with higher accuracy
  2. Develop new models capable of extracting data from patient medical histories
  3. Extract chemotherapy-related insights from research articles
  4. Establish relationships between key entities across multiple documents
  5. Build tools to evaluate model accuracy and performance
  6. Create gold standard datasets for rigorous model testing

Solution Highlights

IBA Group offered a solution that included

  • Development and refinement of NLP models to address specific challenges in medical data processing
  • Regular updates of NLP models to adapt to new data formats and document structures
  • Ongoing data analysis and support of seamless data flow
  • Thorough testing to validate model performance
  • Diagnosis and fixing of technical issues to maintain functionality
  • Continuous support and maintenance to ensure solution stability


IBA Group delivered a set of advanced NLP models designed to process evolving medical data accurately. The models excelled in production settings, and secured a high level of reliability and precision in extracting critical information.

Additionally, IBA Group developed tools that allowed the customer to

  • Calculate the accuracy of gold standard datasets
  • Analyze model behavior and implement targeted improvements for sustained performance gains


The collaboration resulted in significant advancements in healthcare data analysis. IBA Group’s technical expertise and proactive problem-solving played a pivotal role in overcoming intricate challenges. The team’s ability to deliver timely solutions and anticipate potential hurdles contributed to the project’s overall success.

Klarrio noted IBA Group’s commitment to excellence, highlighting their technical knowledge, adaptability, and innovative approach as invaluable assets in achieving project objectives.

Technology stack

  • Operating Systems: Windows 10
  • Programming Languages: Java, Python
  • Tools: IBM Content Analytics Studio, Jupyter Lab, doccano, Docker
  • NLP Frameworks: BERT, Spacy, Transformers, UIMA

Technologies used
