Statement on Developments in Ukraine by IBA Group CEO

February 25, 2022 

Dear customers, partners, and colleagues,


I would like to thank you for your concern and support. Our entire team, each employee stands for an early end to the violence and normalization of the situation through peaceful negotiations of all political parties.

The safety of our employees is the highest priority for us, and therefore we are making every effort to ensure that all our employees in Ukraine are safe and able to continue their work. We give them any possible assistance, including temporary relocation to other countries.

As for other IBA Group’s development centers, they are operating as normal. We proceed with working on our projects and are committed to meeting our contractual obligations. The continuity of the provision of services to our customers has always been and remains the basis of our reputation and of the IBA Group’s brand.

Thank you again for your support and we look forward to continuing our cooperation.



Sergei Levteev
Chairman and CEO
IBA Group