
Evolution of Contactless Payments

Turns your NFC-enabled smartphone into a POS terminal


All-digital payment solution that allows businesses to accept payments for goods and services with proximity bank cards using an Android smartphone with an NFC module.

With tapXphone, your smartphone becomes a full-fledged terminal for accepting contactless payments.



win new customers and increase the number of transactions

tapXphone is an innovative IT solution that is dramatically changing the payment solutions market.

tapXphone allows accepting payments for goods and services with bank cards, smartphones, and other wearable NFC devices: smart watches, rings, and bands. The app provides for secure PIN entering thanks to PIN-on-Glass technology.

Benefits of tapXphone:

  • The solution is delivered according to any On-premise or SaaS model that is convenient for you.
  • High level of security is verified by PCI DSS, Visa Ready, PCI CPoC certificates.
  • White label application: integration via API and customization for the customer.


extend business opportunities

tapXphone is an innovative IT solution powered by Tap on Phone and Tap to Phone technologies. It allows accepting payments via NFC-enabled smartphones.

Opportunities for different IT areas:

  • For payment service providers: new ways to accept payments.
  • For telecom or postal operators: a new service for the company’s customers.
  • For financial startups: integration of third-party technologies with tapXphone.
  • For developers of IT solutions: a new solution in the company’s portfolio.


offer their customers a fast and convenient payment method

Due to Soft POS technology, small and medium business owners do not need to buy and maintain POS terminals. Now their customers can pay for purchases and services in a contactless way.

Business opportunities:

  • No POS-terminal costs: payments can be accepted via an NFC-enabled Android 8.0+ smartphone.
  • The application does not require special maintenance and is updated automatically.
  • No limit on purchase amount.
  • The solution is certified by international payment systems.


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