Custom SAP Solution for Railway Company


IBA Group introduced standard SAP ERP functionality to a railway company with over 100 branches. However, this functionality did not incorporate the specific features essential for the railway company’s revenue planning and management, including cargo transportation and passenger services. Therefore, the company required a customized SAP solution.


Customer management had to grapple with delayed and unreliable information on the profitability of different cargo types, encompassing both revenue and costs. The absence of ready-made SAP solutions tailored for railway companies posed a significant challenge. An overload of over 150 legacy systems designed for railway-specific functions hampered planning and management of financial and economic activities.

Solution Highlights

Based on SAP products, IBA Group developed a custom solution for revenue accounting. This solution provides real-time visibility into transactions with customers, offering a detailed breakdown of transportation service costs for each customer and shipment. It also effectively tracks revenues from various transportation types across different analytical dimensions.

Key Results

The solution implemented by IBA Group allowed for increased efficiency of revenue management, optimized management of accounts receivable and accounts payable, and improved financial flows. Replacement of legacy systems with the new solution contributed to significant cost reductions in operations related to core activities, particularly in cargo transportation services. Company management benefits from regular and timely reporting of revenue and costs, resulting in enhanced decision-making capabilities.


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