Technical Assessment and Quality Management — WMS for a Leading Southeast European Food and Pharmaceutical Producer


Our client is a company from Southeast Europe that is renowned for its production and distribution of food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals. They required expert guidance regarding the technical assessment of WMS solutions offered by different vendors.


Verifying standard system functionalities declared by bidders based on the company’s EWM key requirements. These include:

  • General logistic aspects, administration, goods receipt, picking, material flow, inventory, order management, quality management, shipping, warehouse management, labeling, reports, reservation.


  • Evaluation of the technical documentation
  • Technical analysis and system recommendation
  • Meetings with selected bidders and analysis of the demo system presentations
  • Verification of demonstrated and declared functionalities and system interfaces in order to understand the quality of the demo
  • Verification of flexibility for further changes or development


As a trusted and expert partner, we achieved the following results for our client:

  • Final assessment report for three of the selected bidders
  • Gap list for missing or inconsistent functionalities
  • List of benefits — facilitating system solutions
  • A graphic comparison of the major key EWM requirement components, depicted in a color-coded table