Benefits of Business Process Automation with Camunda and EasyRPA

August 26, 2024 

Boasting low technical barriers and fast implementation, robotic process automation is all the rage nowadays, valued at USD 3.2 billion in 2023 and forecasted to grow with a phenomenal CAGR of 23.5% by 2033. However, many businesses fail to make this booming technology part of a robust BPM system and integrate RPA into an effective BPA tech stack.

Addressing the needs of the companies struggling with digitalization, IBA Group engineers end-to-end BPA solutions powered by Camunda and EasyRPA. The platforms’ synergy works to eliminate the most frequent causes of RPA failures and helps to drive impressive impacts along with a high ROI. Learn how the Camunda and EasyRPA combo can be applied in different industries to generate measurable financial returns and other benefits.

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How Camunda and EasyRPA Work Together to Deliver End-To-End Business Process Automation

EasyRPA is a platform for developing and running robots with built-in machine learning and optical character recognition capabilities. It allows developers to design intelligent bots that can replace humans in performing mundane, time-consuming tasks. EasyRPA robots are good at:

  • reading and sorting documents;
  • analysing images;
  • interpreting free-form text, web pages, chats, emails, and other unstructured data;
  • extracting, converting, transferring, migrating, and verifying data;
  • classifying complex information;
  • logging into applications and systems;
  • moving files and folders;
  • performing data analysis and generating reports.

Despite their impressive capabilities, the robots alone cannot go beyond straightforward, rule-based tasks and automate complex workflows. That’s why we’ve paired EasyRPA with Camunda, which is a powerful process orchestration platform that works on a strategic level. By tying together isolated tasks performed by various teams and coordinating multiple processes across different departments, Camunda can cover the needs of an entire company or even a conglomerate. The platform is designed to combine intelligent automation with decision-making and continual adjustments to enhance overall business process management. It enables users to:

  • Create workflows and decision models of any complexity

Camunda allows users to build algorithms that define how a business process or a whole business runs in full detail. It uses globally recognised BPMN and DMN standards to visualise each step, decision, and integration within the processes via intuitive diagrams. The process models help assess workflow efficiency, find areas for automation, and implement custom BPA solutions. Businesses can test workflow and decision models before implementation and collect analytics for further optimisation.

  • Deploy and execute various business processes

Camunda provides a cloud-native engine to transform BPMN and DMN files into code and implement the business logic modelled in visual workflows and decision tables. The processes can be deployed with the help of out-of-the-box clients or any gRPC-supported programming language, while the engine ensures high performance, strong resilience, and great horizontal scalability. The platform also enables users to monitor workflows in real time, analyse incidents, troubleshoot issues, and track every change in the production environment.

  • Manage human tasks, microservices, and RPA bots

Camunda supports human-in-the-loop automation and offers an application to assign and execute tasks that require manual interventions, eliminating the need to build custom user interfaces. Along with human workflows, the platform easily integrates with microservices, RPA bots, corporate software, and various business apps via APIs and out-of-the-box or custom connectors. As a result, users can maintain visibility across all endpoints and orchestrate both manual and automated business processes.

When working together, EasyRPA and Camunda cover business automation on all levels, connecting the dots between simple tasks and complex workflows. This converts to:

  • More efficient business automation

Businesses can reduce the time and cost required to implement end-to-end automation, improve developer productivity, and avoid disruptions in the BPA process due to misunderstandings, poor scalability, and a lack of integration.

  • A higher ROI for RPA

A higher ROI is ensured with an established Centre of Excellence, diverse functionalities of robots, excellent scaling capabilities, proper testing, seamless integrations, and ease of customisation.

  1. Better visibility into business processes

With a centralised platform connecting the people, devices, and systems involved in automated and manual workflows, businesses get real-time insights into business processes to take timely actions and prevent or resolve any issues.

  • More optimisation opportunities

Rich analytics generated by both platforms provide ample opportunities to establish KPIs, measure results, identify areas that need attention, and find new ways to automate more efficiently.

  •  Better collaboration between business and technical stakeholders

Product owners accustomed to writing in business terms can use convenient visual modelling for process design and then easily share the diagrams with IT teams. RPA developers can keep working with the programming languages they’re used to.

By taking a more holistic approach to automation, we maximize its numerous benefits, which can be illustrated through case studies from different industries.

How EasyRPA and Camunda Work in Insurance

Because the insurance industry is loaded with documents and repetitive tasks circulating in complex workflows, business automation with Camunda and EasyRPA can be a game-changer. IBA Group automated customer request processing for an EU-based insurance company, which is a good case in point.

The company wanted to prevent a loss of potential clients due to inefficient customer request processing, which required manual data entry and took 7-8 hours on average. The process was also hampered by frequent errors in data inputs, leading to incorrect insurance offers. The company needed to minimize manual interventions and ensure data accuracy through a streamlined automated workflow.

We reviewed the existing process, identified its weak points and areas for automation, and implemented the following:

  • three EasyRPA robots to recognise data, classify it, and generate necessary follow-up documentation;
  • a new business process in Camunda to orchestrate interactions between humans, robots, and existing company systems;
  • a workshop for the company to upskill its staff;

Let’s see how the customer request processing now works with our business automation:

  1. A potential client sends a request via the company’s website or email.
  2. Camunda triggers an AI-powered robot in EasyRPA to recognise the documents provided by the applicant.
  3. When the recognition is completed, another bot starts extracting necessary data and sends it back to the Camunda workflow.
  4. Camunda connects with the company’s CRM and provides the data for it to verify the client’s data—or if the applicant isn’t registered in the system, to add the new client.
  5. The CRM calculates the insurance cost, which launches the next robot to create a quote based on the extracted data and provided calculations.
  6. Depending on whether the applicant is a legal entity or an individual, Camunda creates a user task and forwards the quote either to Salesforce or to a manager.
  7. Requests from organisations are then processed in Salesforce, while quotes for individuals are either approved or rejected by the manager, with Camunda automatically sending a notification to the customer.

The project implementation resulted in:

  • the average processing time reduced to 20-30 minutes;
  • the error rate cut by 80%;
  • a 12% increase in signed insurance policies;
  • an 87% document recognition and classification accuracy rate;
  • enhanced customer satisfaction with personalised quotes;
  • a hassle-free user experience;
  • increased employee satisfaction with tedious work removed from the workflow.

All in all, business automation with Camunda and EasyRPA made the company’s business processes more efficient and strengthened its position in the saturated European market.

How EasyRPA and Camunda Work in Human Resources

Human resource management goes through a long chain of rote, time-consuming tasks interspersed with high-value activities playing a strategic role in a company’s performance. Having to manually navigate recruitment, onboarding, timekeeping, and benefits administration, HR is left with little time for workforce planning, talent development, and employee engagement to drive positive business transformation. What’s more, global crises have an impact on the workplace landscape, which pushes businesses toward the adoption of remote and hybrid work models.

Namely, the COVID-19 pandemic made a European IT company turn to us with the request to shift its onboarding process to remote mode. They also wanted to reduce document reruns and cut the onboarding time, which took several days.

To create a custom solution in compliance with the company’s standards, we explored all the steps of the existing process and revealed the bottlenecks that baffled efficiency. After performing the detailed analysis, we offered:

  • robotic process automation involving AI and OCR for document classification and recognition, fuelled by EasyRPA;
  • a new business process in Camunda to integrate different systems via its APIs and connectors and coordinate the work across all the endpoints.

Here is how the solution works:

  • The HR department emails a candidate a link to the company’s new hire onboarding form.
  • The employee fills in the form and attaches their documents.
  • Camunda initiates document classification and data extraction with EasyRPA bots.
  • The data is imported into a database in the company’s system, where an employee card is created.
  • The bots use templates of the required documents to populate them with the data received from the system, then send the package to the employee to sign.
  • After the documents are signed, they are sent to the HR department for checking and then forwarded by Camunda to EasyRPA.
  • The robots recognize the document types, input the data into the corporate system, and generate requests for access rights, equipment, and so on.
  • Then, EasyRPA sends the employee a welcoming letter and a link to an online safety session.
  • Camunda triggers a notification reminding the employee of the session. After they attend it, the onboarding is completed.

Thanks to the business automation, the company experienced:

  • a 4-hour reduction in onboarding time;
  • an 8% increase in the employee NPS;
  • an 85% accurate document recognition and classification rate;
  • a 67% reduction in document reruns;
  • the successful adoption of a completely remote onboarding process usable in post-pandemic scenarios;
  • time and resource savings due to the elimination of both document returns and manual data entry.

The company could also show the ability to promptly adjust to global changes and its focus on employee well-being, which strengthened its reputation.

AI-base robots integrated into end-to-end BPA solutions benefit many other industries and can serve various goals:

  • to boost productivity and efficiency;
  • to produce higher revenue;
  • to speed up business processes;
  • to cut costs;
  • to reduce errors and accidents;
  • to improve business process flexibility;
  • to increase employee engagement;
  • to enhance customer service and NPS;
  • to ensure compliance;
  • to strengthen data protection.

However, BPA comes with many challenges, so it’s crucial to choose the most efficient tools to overcome them and get the most out of your digital transformation efforts.

Why EasyRPA?

EasyRPA is a platform that drastically differs from plentiful low-code RPA solutions. Its unique approach is grounded in the following beliefs:

  • Quality bots are built by professionals, not citizen developers. While engaging non-pros does reduce hiring costs, it translates into multiple errors, poor technical support, and scanty functionality diminished by a lack of ML opportunities—which results in a lower ROI. It is often most cost-effective to get a professional who can develop robots less prone to bugs, use machine learning to train more functional bots, and fix every problem that may arise along the way.
  • Low code is for non-technical users, not for pros. Although visual editors with pre-built components work fine for business stakeholders, they impose limitations on bots’ development, debugging, scaling, and modification. Professional developers prefer writing code over moving flowcharts, as it allows them to create more complex robots, properly test them, and quickly make modifications whenever required.
  • Robot developers need Java, not a visual environment. Low-code development leads to a lack of uniform standards across developers and robots within an organisation, followed by difficulties with controlling the code and maintaining the bots. EasyRPA uses the Java programming language that comes with the biggest set of automation libraries and a pack of common reusable components for developers to build error-free, scalable, and maintainable robots based on streamlined rules.
  • Businesses want to pay for a viable product, not licences. With low-code RPA platforms, a company usually has to pay a licence fee for packages it might not really need, which affects the total cost of ownership. EasyRPA sells end-to-end automated processes ready for deployment in a production environment and charges no licence fees, making business automation 2-3 times cheaper.

At IBA Group, we focus on efficiency, flexibility, and price optimisation, which are embedded into the EasyRPA platform and our Camunda BPM service. Get in touch with us, and we will lead your company through business process automation to good effect.