Benefits of Camunda Business Process Orchestration with Facts and Figures

May 21, 2024 

Business process automation continues to cause a great stir, promising to improve efficiency, reduce costs, ensure compliance, and make everyone happier, from customers and employees to managers and executives. According to the “Now & Next” report by Automation Anywhere, a business can achieve a return on investment of up to 380% with robotic process automation alone, which is a truly impressive figure.

But what about enjoying an ROI of 408% on top of a payback period of eight months? It might sound like a dream, but it’s true, and a study performed by internationally acclaimed Forrester Consulting verifies the numbers. The research company explored the total economic impact of BPA implemented in four organisations with the help of Camunda, one of the world’s most popular process orchestration platforms. Let’s find out what benefits the companies gained and how your business can replicate their success.

The Impact of Strategic Investment in BPA with Camunda

Forrester examined companies operating in different industries, including finance, technology, insurance, and real estate. In total, the businesses have 55 million customers and 60 thousand employees all over the world, generating $25 billion in revenue. The study revealed both quantified and unquantified benefits in the companies interviewed, yielded within three years of switching to Camunda from other process orchestration solutions.

Increased customer satisfaction

By using Camunda to automate and orchestrate a wide array of customer-facing processes, companies can serve their clients faster and provide higher-quality customer support and business services. Tasks automated with the platform for the interviewees ranged from generating rental agreements to managing customer records to processing maintenance requests, loan applications, and insurance claims. Although the switch to Camunda only translated into a 2% increase in customer retention, the total number of more satisfied clients reached 1.27 million people, which equals $57.8 million in profits. Moreover, the retention rate for orchestrated processes turned out to be 6% higher than for non-orchestrated tasks. The study also showed that customer retention grew as more workflows were managed through Camunda.

Improved operations efficiency

Process orchestration with Camunda dramatically reduces the time needed to complete different tasks within routine workflows and allows companies to free up their employees for high-value activities. For example, after the examined insurance company automated almost all its document input tasks, it could cut the number of employees involved in document processing from three to two teams despite receiving an increasing number of documents as the company continued to grow. Similarly, the real estate company that participated in the study made tracking rent increases more efficient, handling a larger volume of tasks with only a quarter of the number of employees. The total time savings across all companies equated to 5,525 full-time workers, worth $66.6 million.

Reduced process development time

To quickly respond to market changes and emerging opportunities, companies need to develop new business processes or adapt existing ones to the latest requirements. Camunda uses open BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) and DMN (Decision Model and Notation) standards. It allows users to build reusable components and provides access to easy-to-adopt visual modelling. These factors could save companies 20,000 hours of development worth at least $615,000, not including business impacts of process agility, which weren’t gauged within the study. The processes orchestrated with Camunda can be changed in about half the time required with the previous solutions. Namely, in the interviewed finance organisation, a typical project now takes two to three sprints against four or more sprints with a prior process automation platform.

Enhanced process quality

Process orchestration works towards better standardisation, ensures compliance, and reduces the likelihood of errors, enabling businesses to avoid the costs of fixing them. As the companies under study operate in highly regulated industries across different countries, minimising opportunities for errors and streamlining compliance processes are crucial for them. With orchestration powered by Camunda, they reduced an initial average error rate of 0.084% for non-orchestrated processes to 0.016%, thus eliminating 95% of errors and saving $15 million. Besides, the organisations revealed other ways to improve process quality: for example, the technology company used Camunda to build reusable patterns for procedures involving documents and human tasks and managed to refine half of its total processes.

Better collaboration between IT and business stakeholders

Company processes are developed by business analysts and developers, and Camunda’s visual tools and low-code approach improved communication between the two parties and enabled business stakeholders to increasingly participate in the work. Apart from cutting development costs by involving the lower-paid staff and reducing development time by removing skill bottlenecks, the companies were able to ensure higher development transparency for business people and benefited from their increased engagement in automation.

Greater visibility into business processes

It’s difficult to monitor complex workflows integrated with many systems and involving both automated tasks and human work. Errors in these processes can damage customer experiences or violate regulations. Using standard diagrams for designing workflows, providing orchestration across all endpoints, and ensuring real-time monitoring, Camunda gave the companies a better understanding of their business processes and helped them determine their capacity and identify areas for improvement. The robust analytics capabilities of the platform also enabled the organisations to improve their workflows and decision-making over time.

All in all, the present value of benefits generated by BPA with Camunda amounted to almost $140 million.

How Your Business Can Benefit from Camunda BPM Service by IBA Group

As a Gold Certified Partner of Camunda with big experience, IBA Group designs and builds highly efficient, customised solutions for digital business process management. We harness the combined powers of Camunda process orchestration and robotic process automation based on EasyRPA, our implementation-first platform for developing and supporting software robots fuelled by OCR and ML technologies. We provide a holistic set of services, starting with comprehensive stakeholder analysis and ending with employee training and continuous support.   

You can unleash the true potential of process orchestration in your company by attending our joint event — Camunda Breakfast with IBA Group, which will take place on the 5th of June in Warsaw. At the event, representatives of Camunda will talk about the game-changing enhancements and vast BPA capabilities of Camunda. We, in turn, will introduce EasyRPA Connector, a solution that bridges the gap between small-task orchestration and end-to-end process orchestration. We will demonstrate how easy it is to integrate Camunda into a company’s current business processes and present a real-life success story illustrating the transformative power of our Camunda BMP service. Fill in the registration form to join the event in-person or online  and learn how to drive process optimisation and improve overall business performance in your company.

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