Overview of the New Camunda Connector for EasyRPA


Camunda 8 is setting the standard for a new era of integration technologies. Systems, databases, apps, and other components are seamlessly united to automate business processes—regardless of their complexity. The new version of the popular BMP platform offers a “Connector” feature, which enables the building of reusable blocks of programming code to perform integrations with external systems. The code can then be shared with the vast Camunda community via the Connector Marketplace.

As a Gold Certified Partner of Camunda, IBA Group couldn’t miss the opportunity to provide an integration solution that connects the automation of individual processes with the end-to-end process orchestration offered by the platform. Now, we are proud to announce that our connector is ready to launch and will be available on the Connector Marketplace soon. This solution is designed to integrate Camunda-based processes with EasyRPA’s AI-driven software robots.

Why Did We Develop the Camunda Connector?

As a process orchestration platform, Camunda helps businesses achieve true end-to-end automation by coordinating multiple automated workflows and even tying them to manual tasks. With the tools provided by the platform, IT teams and business stakeholders can:

  • design workflows and decision models of any complexity via an intuitive visual Modeler that supports BPMN and DMN standards;
  • deploy and execute various business processes using a cloud-native workflow engine based on an event-driven architecture;
  • automate complex business decisions with a decision engine, which has a built-in simulator to test out DMN models;
  • manage manual tasks that don’t require automation with the help of a ready-to-use application;
  • integrate enterprise apps, protocols, CMSs, collaboration tools, data services, and any other solution or technology through custom-built or out-of-the-box connectors;
  • monitor, analyse, and troubleshoot process issues via an intuitive dashboard displaying both real-time and historical data;
  • optimise workflows based on data delivered by an analytics and reporting tool.

Camunda’s extensive list of user-friendly and flexible features makes it a robust process orchestration platform perfectly adjusted for modelling, running, and monitoring complex business processes. It helps to streamline workflows, ensures better communication and collaboration between teams, fosters data-driven decisions, and ultimately, improves companies’ efficiency and resiliency.

However, the platform itself doesn’t cover one of the key aspects of business process automation—robotic process automation (RPA). By replacing manual handling of mundane, repetitive tasks with a piece of software working on structured inputs and logic, RPA boosts productivity, saves human effort, reduces errors, and increases compliance, among other things. EasyRPA is a corporate-level platform for developing, supporting, and modifying bots designed to automate routine processes and document management. It is aimed at professional developers looking for a full-featured solution without a visual editor and flowcharts native to Camunda and common to other RPA platforms. Instead, EasyRPA offers:

  • CI/CD integration;
  • a plug-n-play development package in Java;
  • built-in OCR and ML modules;
  • a control server that defines configurations for automation processes and schedules their execution;
  • a node client that launches automation processes and delivers their logs to the server;
  • reusable components, which are standard for all business processes;
  • a robot developer’s API;
  • charts and graphs for system workload and business process performance monitoring
  • “Human-in-the-Loop” technology;
  • integration with Tesseract, ABBY FineReader, spaCy, and ABBY FlexiCapture;
  • free guides on automation with APIs and management server setup.

With EasyRPA, developers can build, deploy, run, and monitor robots that are efficient, scalable, and maintainable. These robots can be integrated with workflows configured in Camunda to give businesses the best of both worlds—small-tasks automation and end-to-end process orchestration.

How Does the Camunda Connector for EasyRPA Help Automation?

By linking Camunda processes with robots developed on EasyRPA, the connector expands the capabilities of both platforms and drives hyperautomation.

Here is what robotic process automation with EasyRPA can do:

1. Automate human tasks

Transform rule-based manual tasks into automated processes to accelerate their execution, freeing up humans for higher-level work.

2. Recognise and extract data

Train robots to intelligently recognise and extract data from documents and apps, including web forms, desktop applications, Java and Oracle Forms, SAP, and remote desktop applications.

3. Validate data

Ensure your data accuracy and integrity with the help of robots that can validate data against predefined standards, eliminate duplicates, and identify and rectify errors.

4. Convert data

Convert data between systems or formats easily with no data loss, data corruption, or format inconsistencies.

5. Auto-generate documents

Get automatically generated reports and analyse data with EasyRPA bots parsing variables seamlessly and delivering them into your workflows.

6. Work hand in hand with humans

Create attended and unattended robots with centralised management and hybrid automation (with a human in the loop) to handle a wider range of tasks.

This set of features alone translates into boosted productivity, cost reduction, enhanced customer experience, increased employee satisfaction, and capacity optimisation. But things even get better when the benefits of EasyRPA are coupled with the power of Camunda.

What you can do with the Camunda/EasyRPA bundle:

  • design workflows in Camunda and include RPA tasks alongside BPMN tasks to trigger your robots;
  • let AI-powered bots execute repetitive, time-consuming tasks and then deliver the results back to the Camunda processes;
  • add work items to EasyRPA and receive real-time updates on their status;
  • monitor your multiple bots in Camunda, get alerts on their activities, and edit process instances on the fly;
  • use RPA analytics to identify issues and improve the processes;
  • build a catalogue of reusable templates for RPA tasks and streamline your automation efforts.

The EasyRPA Connector reduces manual efforts, enhances the efficiency of your Camunda-fueled automation, and improves interactions between processes, robots, and humans.

The connector was designed as yet another tool incorporated into our Camunda BPM service, which exercises a strategic approach to companies’ digital transformation and takes business process automation to another level. If your business struggles to adopt innovative, scalable, and integrable tech solutions, visit the Camunda BPM page and fill out the contact form to benefit from our expertise.