SAP Qualifies IBA Conversion Pack for SAP S/4HANA
SAP qualified IBA Conversion Pack for SAP S/4HANA, the IBA Group’s solution on SAP S/4HANA conversion, as an SAP Qualified Partner – Packaged Solution. SAP issued a Certificate of Qualification to Information Business Architectures, a member of IBA Group, within the SAP Partner Edge Sell program.
The IBA Group’s packaged solution is fixed-price and comprises the following SAP S/4HANA migration scenarios: Sandbox Conversion, Full System Conversion, Code Remediation Only, and Technical Assessment. The conversion projects include preparation, modeling, implementation, finalization, go-live, and warranty support stages.
With Sandbox Conversion, IBA Group analyzes results of the SAP Readiness Check, including incompatible add-ons and business functions. The client receives a list of open issues that need to be resolved before the actual conversion and a detailed plan for a complete conversion of the system.
With Full System Migration, IBA Group provides conversion of SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA on a turnkey basis.
With Code Remediation Only, IBA Group verifies code for up to 200 objects, and the client receives a list of code corrections and a list of items that require additional analysis by the client.
In addition, IBA Group offers technical assessment of client’s migration projects to identify risks, take advantage of innovations, and have a clear picture of the SAP migration path.
SAP appointed IBA Group as an SAP Gold Services Partner and distinguished the company for SAP S/4HANA Recognized Expertise. IBA Group relies on a fresh hands-on experience in SAP S/4HANA projects. In aggregate, the IBA team implemented S/4HANA solutions for more than 3,500 end users in five countries.