IBA Group Launches IoT Project at Eastern European Railway
IBA Group and the eastern european railway have launched a pilot project for monitoring of the railway infrastructure. The IBA Group’s proprietary t-rail system monitors rail temperatures in real time and notifies users if a critical condition occurs.
t-rail is a hardware software suite that consists of a software platform and wireless sensors fixed on rail strings and united in a single network. Sensors monitor the temperature of a rail and transfer data to a control system. Then, t-rail processes the data and visualizes it.
When a section reaches critical temperature conditions, t-rail automatically sends notifications via SMS or email to railway workers or maintenance personnel. As a result, the railway management makes informed decisions to limit the speed of trains and to organize the maintenance of strings.
At present, the condition of rails is monitored manually when a lineman measures the temperature with a contact thermometer. This approach is inefficient and inaccurate, and it does not exclude the human factor.
On October 9, the t-rail system was deployed and started gathering data. The main aim of the pilot project is to see how the system and its individual elements, namely a base station, sensors, and batteries, operate in working conditions.
The beta testing of t-rail will be carried out until December 31.