Backup & Recovery Software Support Service

Level 3 Tech Support for Backup & Recovery Software

Get highly qualified Level 3 Support teams for your Backup & Recovery products and focus on business growth and development instead of operational work.

Our service provides support teams that help customers to become 100% conformant to standardized SLA and increase level of satisfaction with their Backup & Recovery products. We always follow established E2E support procedures to meet customers’ and end users’ goals.

Benefits for your business with our tech support

Focusing on business

By alleviating the need for managing operational work our service will enable customers to focus more on business growth and innovation instead.

High level of end user satisfaction

Our service will help increase the level of end user satisfaction with customers’ Backup & Recovery products by providing high quality established end-user support processes as well as regular delivery of bug fixes and new features.

Standardized SLA

Our support teams guarantee conformance to strict standardized SLA.

This means that each user question or issue will be processed within predetermined terms with critical issues being assigned highest priority and resolved as soon as possible.

Expense reduction

We manage and organize teams internally thus our customers will be able to reduce management and HR expenses.

Use Cases

The main goal of our clients is to provide their end customers with high quality L3 Technical Support in all types of usage scenarios including unexpected issues.

A list of critical complicated issues that our teams helped end customers to resolve:

  1. Data recovery in case of critical data losses.
    Recovering virtual machines after ESXi failure due to hardware damage.
  2. Mitigation of consequences of ransomware attacks.
    Our team helped to restore the SQL Database environment after a ransomware attack.
  3. Disaster recovery plan (DRP) support and testing. This includes determining the feasibility of backup procedures, checklist tests, parallel tests and full interruption tests.
  4. Backup performance optimization.
    It used to take days to complete backup of virtual machines in the VMware environment. Our team detected performance bottlenecks in VMware data protection operations and proposed a solution to improve performance.
  5. Help with vendor or third-party issues.
    There was a problem with backup of shared resources of Microsoft Failover cluster. Our team analyzed the problem and determined that it occurred outside of our product. We suggested involving Microsoft support and as a result a workaround was provided to the end customer.

Our client acquired a new set of Backup & Recovery products.

Their business goal was to start providing support to end customers of these products and to continue improving these products.

We analyzed the client’s requirements and quickly formed and provided to the client 4 support/maintenance teams of 16 engineers with necessary expertise.

As a result, these teams have been approved by the client, successfully taken over new products and started delivering value to the client and providing support to end customers within 1 month.

Our client needed to be able to perform Backup & Recovery operations very specific to their environment. Their business goal was to start protecting data in their Data Center.

We analyzed the client’s requirements and proposed a solution – to develop a new tool capable of solving the required task. The client approved the proposal and our team has developed the needed Backup & Recovery utility for them.

This utility has been used in the customer’s production for more than 3 years and successfully protecting customer’s data.

Outsourcing L3 Support

Level 3 support is the lowest level of support model responsible for handling the most difficult and advanced problems using expert level troubleshooting and analysis methods.

Level 3 support engineers are experts in their fields and are responsible for not only assisting both Level 1 and Level 2 support personnel, but also for the research and development of solutions to new or unknown issues:

  • Configuration/installation problems
  • Issues caused by internal product errors
  • Problems related to third-party/vendor applications or OS, virtual, or cloud environments
  • Performance/network related issues

The established, high quality Level 3 support process is based on strict conformance to predefined SLA.
This means that each user issue is assigned a certain priority based on its severity and criticality to make sure they are resolved in time to minimize impact on the customer’s environment and end users.

When a user issue goes up to Level 3 support, engineers define the root cause of the problem by troubleshooting in a lab and looking into the product code. Then the issue is resolved by fixing the root cause and/or making the corresponding code changes and producing new patches or releases.

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Our Backup & Recovery Service Expertise

IBA Group’s team has a proven record of successful development and maintenance of 20+ backup & recovery products and sustained support of 200+ companies using these products in on-premise and off-premise production environments over the past 25 years.

Different industries

Our engineers have broad experience in troubleshooting and resolving wide range of backup & restore scenarios for hundreds of end customers operating in different areas – healthcare, finance, retail, education, etc.

Wide technical expertise

25+ of experience in support and maintenance of backup & recovery software for various types of operating systems and environments – Windows, Linux, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, macOS; VMware, Hyper-V, RHEV; Kubernetes, OpenShift.

Full-stack set of services

Team members capable of providing full-stack set of services that additionally include configuration and administration of various operating systems (Windows, Linux, UNIX), storage and virtual systems and environments (VMware, RHEV, HyperV, Cloud environments, etc.), and databases (DB2, Oracle, MS SQL)

Quick ramp-up

Provides established, efficient Support teams with 1 month ramp-up time to set the project.

24/7 support

If requested by the customer, we could provide “premium” 24/7 support for the most critical applications.

20+backup & recovery products
25+Years in IT


1First Contact

We discuss your needs, specify your expectations and solution requirements. Our strategy is to be partners and have a trusting relationship with colleagues.

2Requirement specification

We define main KPIs, discuss requirement specification details, estimate schedule and costs.


You get a personal manager, your team is 100% dedicated to you. We continually monitor KPIs and goals. You can accelerate growth, level up production, increase efficiency, and improve your bottom line.

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