Custom Development


Since 1993, IBA Group has implemented more than 2,000 projects for customers from 40 countries. Our certified software engineers and testers work as part of the customer’s team or as an independent team of specialists; either in the customer’s office or remotely. The company has gained international recognition and is included in “The Global Outsourcing 100”.

Enterprise application development


Out-of-the-box solutions often do not meet the requirements of the business, and companies are looking for applications tailored specifically to their needs.

IBA Group specialists design custom solutions based on commercial and open source technologies, integrate them with the customer’s corporate systems, customize third-party solutions, provide support for the deployed applications and train the customer’s employees.

Some of our Customers: NORD/LB and others.

Web development


Digital transformation implies the distributed operation, infrastructure and 24/7 service availability. Web solutions help customers get information about the company and take advantage of offers at any time.  IBA Group developers create web solutions for industrial, transport, financial, energy, oil and gas, and other enterprises.

Some of our Customers: Goodyear, T-Mobile, O2 Slovakia.


Mobile development


According to Google, mobile technologies affect 40% of B2B sales, and this number will grow. IBA Group specialists follow the trends and create native and cross-platform mobile solutions, help companies integrate them into the customer’s enterprise systems, support and maintain the developed applications.

Some of our Customers: Goodyear, Hapag-Lloyd, SAP.

Transform your supply chain into an efficient digital ecosystem

with our guide


1First contact

We analyze needs of your business, specify your expectations and solution requirements, and define processes that should be automated.

2Requirement specification

We define main project challenges and risks and ways of handling them; discuss requirement specification details, estimate schedule and costs.

3The Offer

We negotiate final project cost and cooperation terms. Sign the documents.

4Consulting and prototyping

We provide consultation on technologies and products. We prototype automation solutions and offer services of our DevOps engineers.

5Development and training

The development process is transparent. You receive progress reports on a regular basis. After project implementation, we educate your personnel to work with the new system.

6Maintenance and support

We negotiate terms and costs of system maintenance and support.


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